Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lauren's Post as a Girls With Wings Scholarship Winner!

Lauren's post as a Girls With Wings Additional Scholarship Winner: Lauren's lessons have been funded in part by the generous donations that people have made to Girls With Wings. Additional Awards were designated to four individuals that showed great promise and dedication. We therefore offered them $250 to help in funding at least a small portion of their flight training. Read more about our scholarship program.

First and foremost, I would like to thank Girls With Wings for the incredible opportunity to continue flight training through the help of the summer additional scholarship. Since I received the scholarship, I have been able to fly several times in the Piper Cherokee 180. I love that plane and everything about flying it feels right. I am finally able to see my progress in flight training – just a year ago I hadn’t been in a small plane before, but now I’m comfortable at the controls and feel at home in the sky. I haven’t been able to fly as much as I’d like because of a busy school schedule, but as the year progresses I should have more flight time. 

Here in Fort Worth, Texas, the last few weeks have been extremely hot and I received the opportunity to fly at 1 P.M. on a Saturday. I knew it would be unbearable but I also knew it was worth it—I hadn’t flown for weeks. I drove out to a country airport where the plane was, untied her, and did the preflight. Before I knew it I was in the air, practicing banks, stalls, slow flight, and following headings. It was 108 degrees outside and we kept catching thermals, so it was really turbulent. My CFI was ahead of the game and brought a portable air conditioner which saved both of us. I really enjoyed that lesson, because not only did I get to fly, but I also learned how to operate in conditions I wasn’t used to. It’s all a learning process, and I always look forward to the new experiences I’ll have each time. 

In addition to training, I have started an aviation club at my high school and in just a month, two students have begun ground school. I’m excited to see where aviation takes not only me, but also others I’m encouraging into the air. Hopefully I’ll be able to fly more regularly in the coming weeks. 

I’m thankful for what Girls With Wings has done for me -- I am able to follow my dreams, and this is just the beginning. I am looking forward to serving as a role model for GWW. I am determined and confident that I can make a difference and that I will go on to achieve my dreams of being a fighter pilot. 

Having done my CFI training in Texas, Lauren, I know the feeling! We are so proud of you - please keep us posted on your progress.- Lynda 

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