Here's the scenario: on our climbout from NJ, we received instructions from ATC to climb to progressively higher altitudes. As we approached FL410 (or approximately 41,000ft in the air), our rate of climb became shallower than the standard 1500 ft per minute because we were so heavy with the fuel needed for the long flight (route shown here on our Airshow display). In case you aren't familiar with this blog, I fly the Citation X, which has a service ceiling of (or it can fly as high as) 51,000ft.
Well, mostly they can do this because the vast majority of airplanes have a service ceiling of 41,000 feet, so there are few other airplanes for us to conflict with at these higher altitudes. Each time I was transferred into another controller's sector, I checked in with my call sign and told them I was in a block from FL430 to FL470. Occasionally the controller would want to know specifically what altitude we were at, for example, FL432 (or 43,200 feet).
So why would I want to do this? A step climb, that's why. It's interesting to note how little information I found when I did a search on this term on the internet. Wikipedia, of course, did have an entry:
In aviation, a step climb is a gradual climb from one cruise altitude to another in fixed steps, intended to keep an aircraft flying at the most efficient cruise altitude possible.
Since the early days of jet aircraft and commercial travel, the technique of gradually climbing in cruise altitude as fuel burns off and the aircraft becomes lighter has been widely used by pilots. The altitude that provides the most fuel-efficient cruise at the start of a long flight, when the aircraft is fully loaded with fuel, is not the same as the altitude that provides the best efficiency at the end of the flight, when most of the fuel aboard has been burned. This latter altitude is usually significantly higher than the former. By climbing gradually throughout the cruise phase of a flight, pilots can make the most economical use of their fuel.Originally, a simple cruise climb was used by pilots. This amounted to a simple, continuous, very gradual climb from an initial cruise altitude to a final cruise altitude, and made the most efficient use of fuel. However, with increasing air traffic and the assignment of distinct flight levels to specific flights, airways, and directions of flight, it is no longer safe to climb continuously in this way, and so most flights compromise by climbing in distinct steps—a step climb—with ATC approval, in order to ensure that the aircraft is always at an appropriate altitude for traffic control. While not quite as efficient as a continuous cruise climb, step climbs are still more efficient than maintaining a single altitude throughout a flight. The step climb intervals may be 1000, 2000, or 4000 feet, depending on the flight level rules which apply on the particular airway being flown.
Where traffic is not an issue, cruise climbs may still be used. The Concorde, for example, used a continuous cruise climb throughout its flights, since there was never any other traffic at the same altitude (nearly 60,000 feet) in the same direction.
In most modern commercial airliners, computers such as flight management systems (FMS) calculate and/or execute the proper steps in a step climb, in order to maximize the efficiency realized by the technique.
Whew! Got all that? So, Lynda, what is your point? If you look back at those FMS screens above, the one on the right says "Progress." You can see that our ETE, or estimated time enroute to our destination (shown on the second line down by RW26 since we already have the approach to the runway programmed in) is 01+04, or 1 hour and 4 minutes. The step climb may only shorten this by only a couple of minutes, by allowing us to fly at a higher mach speed at a higher altitude, but would decrease the airplane's hourly operating cost.
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