Caitlin's Second Post as the Girls With Wings Dreams Take Flight Scholarship Winner! Caitlin's lessons have been funded in part by the generous donations that people have made to Girls With Wings. The Dreams Take Flight Dreams Take Flight Scholarship is designed to introduce the world of aviation to someone who would benefit from experiencing the joy of flight. The award of this scholarship is intended to fund introductory flight training to encourage achievement of a stated goal, whether in aviation or in another field of study. There is no prerequisite flight training required for this scholarship, just enthusiasm and the desire to learn. The Dreams Take Flight Scholarship is an award in the amount of $500.00. Read more about our scholarship program.
From Caitlin:
This past month hasn’t progressed as much as I’d like, but I might have been too ambitious with my expectations. I’ve gotten in 5 lessons. I’ve still done a lot in my training and am happy with my progress.
My CFI said he wanted me to take my written right around the time I did my first solo cross-country. He was leaving on vacation for a week, so I took that opportunity to schedule the test. I don’t know how many practice tests I took, but it felt like a lot. I used Sporty’s Study Buddy and that helped me immensely (and is free!) I thought I’d have to take the test out at the airport, at my former school, which just added two times the amount of stress to an already stressful situation. Thank goodness for the Internet though! I found a CATS testing center six blocks away from my apartment, no two hours of traveling, and being in an awkward situation! I was so excited when I left with a 90%! I texted my CFI, my boyfriend, my mom, and my best friend – in that order - I felt good about it.
After about 12 days off from flying, I went straight back into my long cross-country. I was a little nervous about doing it after not flying for so long, but it built a different kind of confidence. After I made the first successful landing, I realized I wouldn’t automatically lose my flying ability right away. The plane didn’t have its VOR, so I suggested a way to adjust our original long dual cross-country to make it a bit easier for me. It was just switching the second airport to one along the coast of Connecticut.
When I arrived at my next stop, KBDR, I heard that ATC cleared a Grumman Tiger to land on the other runway before me. I was watching for him on his short final, I didn’t see him in the air and definitely didn’t see him on the runway clearing it. I knew I should do a go around, and just as I was about to execute it ATC also said to go around. On my downwind, the controller said thanks for helping him out by going around. What? A controller thanking me for following his orders? That NEVER happens at Republic.
My CFI and I have also accomplished all 3 hours of my night requirement in one go. It is so different from day flying. Though, I do feel I’d want more time with a CFI in the air before doing a solo cross-country at night.
Lastly, I got very lucky with my CFI and he took me to a grass strip not too far away from our airport. It was such a different experience and not exactly what I expected from the simulated versions of soft field take offs/landings. You forget when simulating it that during the entire taxi process the yoke has to be held back all the way. My arms got a work out that day.
I feel so grateful for winning the Dreams Take Flight scholarship and becoming part of the Girls With Wings community! It's been great getting to know other scholarship winners and supporting them through their training. After earning my PPL, I'm still uncertain what I want to do. I know I will continue training, but not sure if I want to go into my instrument rating (after saving up!) or do some aerobatic training! I do believe I want to earn my CFI eventually and share my love of flying with others. I know most importantly, I want to advocate for general aviation and for girls to earn their wings.
And we know you'll do it and do it well, Caitlin. We're so proud of you - and we look forward to hearing more of your progress.
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